Simon L'Aide [Simon helps Him]
Simon L'Aide [Simon helps Him], 1918-1920
Page 5: Chemin de Croix [Way of the Cross] series of 15
17 x 11 in
Private Collection (M16)
Chemin de Croix [Way of the Cross] series of 15
Title Page, 1918-1920
Page 5: Chemin de Croix [Way of the Cross] series of 15
17 x 11 in
Private Collection
on le condamme, 1918-1920
Page 1: Chemin de Croix [Way of the Cross] series of 15
17 x 11 in
Private Collection
la croix reçue, 1918-1920
Page 2: Chemin de Croix [Way of the Cross] series of 15
17 x 11 in
Private Collection
première chute, 1918-1920
Page 3: Chemin de Croix [Way of the Cross] series of 15
17 x 11 in
Private Collection
sa mère le joint, 1918-1920
Page 4: Chemin de Croix [Way of the Cross] series of 15
17 x 11 in
Private Collection
Simon l'aide , 1918-1920
Page 5: Chemin de Croix [Way of the Cross] series of 15
17 x 11 in
Private Collection
la sainte face, 1918-1920
Page 6: Chemin de Croix [Way of the Cross] series of 15
17 x 11 in
Private Collection
seconde chute, 1918-1920
Page 7: Chemin de Croix [Way of the Cross] series of 15
17 x 11 in
Private Collection
il pleur sur nous, 1918-1920
Page 8: Chemin de Croix [Way of the Cross] series of 15
17 x 11 in
Private Collection
troisième chute, 1918-1920
Page 9: Chemin de Croix [Way of the Cross] series of 15
17 x 11 in
Private Collection
on joue sa role, 1918-1920
Page 10: Chemin de Croix [Way of the Cross] series of 15
17 x 11 in
Private Collection
on le cloue, 1918-1920
Page 11: Chemin de Croix [Way of the Cross] series of 15
17 x 11 in
Private Collection
il meurt. Priez pour l'auteur 1919, 1918-1920
Page 12: Chemin de Croix [Way of the Cross] series of 15
17 x 11 in
Private Collection
marie le reçoit, 1918-1920
Page 13: Chemin de Croix [Way of the Cross] series of 15
17 x 11 in
Private Collection
le tabernacle, 1918-1920
Page 14: Chemin de Croix [Way of the Cross] series of 15
17 x 11 in
Private Collection